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Bernhard o Betty

Welcome to a world filled with shapes and imagination, patterns and painting!

Bernhard and Betty bring colors and forms to life in their art, design, and furniture painting.

Desire to create is born from all corners of nature. The means of expression vary much like the weather; one day it's about large brush strokes in painting, and the next day the wind may carry in a cloud, changing the form of inspiration.

The subjects for paintings are often beautiful, tranquil landscapes or what grows within them. Painting has become a tool to describe events in what lies before us while simultaneously adding color to invisible thoughts. By displaying my paintings, my hope is to convey a sense of calm in everyday life and bring joy to life to the viewer in the way I choose to create my art.

Most of the paintings are done in acrylic. In my artistry, I continue to explore new forms of expression, and dry pastels have also become a favorite. When the need to convey creativity is even greater, I paint furniture, write poetry, and print fabrics.

When the freer form of painting wants to rest, the quest begins to simplify. Imagination is set in motion, and the images become stylized motifs. From a world filled with impressions, the motifs are reduced to simple patterns. Only what distinguishes the previous motif remains - simply a new form. My patterns are often painted with markers or gouache. The tools are many, and it's about conveying the feeling in the motif. A beautiful flower may be best presented in watercolor, while mandala paintings require clear boundaries. The pattern that eventually emerges is reproduced with the help of technology in Photoshop and Illustrator and later becomes fabric. From the fabric come pillows, fabric bags, and warming wheat bags.


Keep an eye on our Instagram to get to know us better and see where we'll exhibit next, so you can experience what we create.

Contact information

Bernhard o Betty

Gasverksgatan 23

46234 Vänersborg

Phone: +46 709 90 93 93

E-mail: Send e-mail

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