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Sweden's Smallest Market Hall

Swedish Fika and locally produced products

At a visit to Sweden's smallest Market Hall, you will find a café and a shop that is open on Thursdays during weeks 28, 29, 30, and 31, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. You can enjoy a coffee and shop from the store where locally produced goods from the region are sold. Group visits with activities can be arranged by appointment.

Locally Produced Coffee

Visitors to Sweden's smallest Market Hall (Sveriges minsta Saluhall) can enjoy a propper Swedish Fika. The focus here is on local ingredients, and the owners are happy to tell you more about them.

Sweden's Smallest Market Hall with Locally Produced Goods

In Sweden's smallest Market Hall, you can find locally grown and locally produced products from the region. The Tidaholm area is home to many excellent producers, and the Market Hall showcases the best of these products, known for their high quality and local production. In this small Market Hall, you can discover items such as juice, jam, marmalade, canola oil, eggs, potatoes, honey, crispbread, rusks, bread, mushrooms, sausages, beef packages, game packages, lamb packages, hand towels, rag rugs, woolen socks, art, beeswax, and much more.

Contact information

Sveriges minsta Saluhall

Ljungbacken Köttorp

522 91 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 760 19 87 77

E-mail: svante@schultzgroup.se

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