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InfoPoints in Herrljungabygden

In Herrljunga there are two InfoPoints - here you can find a local selection of brochures and maps.

InfoPoints are places where you can find a local selection of maps, brochures and tips on activities and sights in the area. Here you can ask the staff for experience tips for the local area and maybe they will tip about the strawberry spots with the little extra. Infopoints will be available at the following locations:

Frendo Annelund

Alingsåsvägen 2, 524 42 Ljung
Till Frendo Annelund

Ellas Garderob

Herrljunga stationshus
Järnvägsplatsen 1, 524 30 Herrljunga
Till Ellas Garderob - Facebook 

Herrljunga Sportcenter

Södra Parkgatan 8, 524 30 Herrljunga
Till Herrljunga Sportcenter 

Contact information

Turisinformation Herrljunga


Phone: +46 0513 17031

E-mail: Send e-mail

Website: To homepage