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Paddle in the lakes of Dalsland

Photographer: HENRIK TRYGG

Paddle on Nossan

Feeling like gliding along Nossan? Jump into the canoe och kayak and paddle through the picturesque watercourse.

If you don't have access to your own canoe or kayak, there's the option to rent one at Nossebro swimming & camping. Read more here!

There is a route between Herrljunga and lake Vänern that go through Nossebro and on Nossan. It is a challenging route and the accessibility is eeduced during low water. The length is 63 km with a drop of 56 meter. Here you can see a map.

If you don´t want to go so far you can paddle in Nossan. Nossan is a 100 km long river originating from Borgstena north of Borås. The river flows through Borås, Herrljunga, Vårgårda, Essunga, and Grästorp before it empties into the bay of Dättern in Lake Vänern. The name Nossan means "jewel" and is one of the few watercourses in Sweden that flows northward.