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Photographer: Lykke Andersen


Southern Valbo hembygdsförening courtyard that under 18th century was owned by Blankenfjell. The well preserved courtyard consists off farmhouse construction from 1824. The 300 meter tall unique stone wall surrounds the courtyard.

Hembygdsgården Blankentorpet is located near the road between Färgelanda and Stigen. It was gifted in 1988 to the association as a testament by the married couple Linnea and Karl Olausson. The well preserved courtyard consists off farmhouse construction from 1824.

The 300 meter tall unique stone wall surrounds the courtyard. The name of the courtyard must come from the noble family Blankenfjell which in later times also lived in the homestead of Gatersbyn.

There are several activities that are organized in hembygsgården such as midsummer celebrations etc.

Associations and groups can rent the courtyard for meetings and study.

Contact information

Södra Valbo hembygdsförening


Phone: +46722230688

E-mail: Send e-mail

Website: hembygd.se/sodra-valbo