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Photographer: Birgitta Saunders

Ollestad bathingarea
Ollestad, Herrljunga

Bathing area at south shore of lake Sämsjön

Ollestadsbadet is an open-air swimming area, by the south shore at Lake Sämsjön. An idyllic bathing area in lovely surroundings with lovely sandy beach and lawn, barbecue area and privy outside . Here you can also take a short walk and enjoy nature.

When grilling, refer to the places where there is a fireplace.

For those who want to fish this is a wheelchair ramp. Nearby there is also a boat ramp as well as a marina for smaller boats. Just before you get to Ollestad there is Ollestad nature reserve which is worth visiting.

Please don´t litter!

Keep in mind that when you have been here on an excursion, grilled or fished take the garbage home or put them in the garbage cans that are on site.
When fishing, make sure not to leave fishing lines and hooks on the ground, these should be discarded.

Dogs and other animals.

Dogs or other animals should not be brought to public bathing during the period 1 May to 30 September. This is stated in Section 18 of the General Local Regulations for Herrljunga Municipality.

Contact information

Herrljunga Kommun



Phone: +46 0513 17000

E-mail: Send e-mail

Website: herrljunga.se