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F7 Gårds- och flottiljmuseum

A country estate converted into a modern military air base

The museum reflects how a country estate was transformed from a large estate into a modern military air base. The estate and air force museum are housed in the old cinema auditorium Gyllene Vingen, which provides a wonderful space and an exciting interior. We have a variety of themed displays that we are renewing.

F7 Gårds- och flottiljmuseum
Up until 1940 Såtenäs was known for its well-functioning country estate with an agricultural college, a brickworks and its own harbour for shipping goods from the estate. All this changed when the Royal Skaraborg Air Force Wing was transferred to the Såtenäs estate. Here you can follow the history: from farming to Gripen aircraft through the stories of a variety of individuals, both familiar and less well-known figures.

The estate before 1940
There are remains that provide evidence of people living at Såtenäs from as early as the Stone Age. There has been a country estate here since the 1700s with a number of occupied crofts. It has also been home to award-winning livestock, its own railway and a dairy.

The air wing
The F7 Royal Skaraborg Air Force Wing was set up as a bomber wing in 1940. Over the course of time functions changed and today we house fighter aircraft in the form of the JAS 39 Gripen and also serve as the “home” base for Sweden’s Hercules aircraft.

The museum portrays the history of both the air force in Sweden and F7 in particular. There are 3 types of aircraft on display outside the museum, all of which have provided long and loyal service to the air wing. There are also models of all the aircraft types that have been part of the air wing.

Employee housing
The air wing was nothing without personnel, so when the employees arrived new infrastructure and housing were required out on the Skaraborg plains. A small community in miniature grew up, and the museum has a complete preserved home from the Såtenäs residential district nearby, which is a living history museum from the era of military preparedness, furnished as it may have looked in the early 1940s. 

Contact information

F7 Gårds- och flottiljmuseum

Skaraborgs flygflottilj

53032 Såtenäs

Phone: +46 708 87 00 16

E-mail: ove.larsson@mil.se