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Photographer: Celina Falck

The Falkeröd Tail

The Falkeröd Trail is about 3 km long and starts at Falkeröd`s Hembygdsgård, north of Grebbestad.

This trail is about 3 km long and starts at Falkeröd`s Hembygdsgård (Rural Museum), on the northern outskirts of Grebbestad where there are parking facilities. You can also start from Siljevi, at the south end of the trail. The trail follows old footpaths and tracks, and leads past several ancient monuments, including the Greby Ancient Burial Ground. By taking the old church track from Grebbestad to Tanumshede via Kärra, you can tie up with the Tanum trails at Valbret’s Grave (a stone cist).

Contact information

Tanum Turist

45772 Grebbestad

Phone: +46 525 61188

E-mail: info@tanumturist.se

Website: bohuslan.com/tanum