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Kulturmagasinet on Turbinhusön

Magazine building Featuring Art and Crafts

During the summer, you mustn't miss visiting Kulturmagasinet, located on the picturesque island of Turbinhusön. Here, you can explore art exhibitions and view and purchase handicrafts.

Creativity Flows with Local Talents

Originally, Kulturmagasinet on Turbinhusön was built to store agricultural products, primarily grain.
The magazine was originally located where Tidaholms Stadshotell stands today. Nowadays, during the summer, the building is used for activities such as art exhibitions, showcasing, and selling handicrafts. Local craftsmen and amateur artists exhibit their works and offer them for sale. Enjoy the beautiful building and be inspired by the fine craftsmanship on display.

Contact information

Kulturmagasinet på Turbinhusön

Turbinhusön, Museigatan 5

522 33 Tidaholm

Phone: +46 502 60 61 88

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