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Photographer: Anders Jonsson, Södra Bohuslän Turism

Orust Kajak

Go paddling in Bohuslän!

Rent a kayak or paddleboard from Orust Kajak and get a few hours or days of paddling!

The kayaks are stable and safe, most people who come here are beginners with no experience. Moreover, there are lots of exciting paddle waters in our area!

Here they sell and rent out paddle equipment! They have a store at Stocken where you can buy kayaks, paddleboards, paddles, life jackets, kayak books and much more. 

You can also book an organized paddling with guide and other activities.

Contact information

Orust Kajak & Friluftsliv AB

Stocken Camping 104

47492 Ellös

Phone: +46 70 698 77 10

E-mail: info@orustkajak.se

Website: orustkajak.se/