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Part of

Schooner T/S Westkust
Edshultshall / Orust

Westkust is a three-masted schooner, built for cargo transport in 1932 in Sjötorp by Lake Vänern. Since 1986, Westkust has been owned by the Orust School Ship Foundation

The foundation is non-profit, and all work is done on a voluntary basis, with all income going directly to the operation and preservation of the vessel. The ship is based in Edshultshall on the southwest coast of Orust.The core activities of the association involve sailing schools and educational voyages with young people, as well as providing knowledge about the year-round maintenance required to keep a ship in good condition.



They offer a wide range of options for businesses/organizations, schools and private parties

  • Day trips

  • Sailing schools

  • Long-distance voyages

  • Weddings and ceremonies

  • On board Teambuilding or kickoff events

  • Class trips with adventures on Westkust




For more information and booking, please visit their website


Contact information

T/S Westkust

Box 77

47322 Henån

Phone: +46 73-745 46 81

E-mail: info@westkust.com

Website: westkust.se/