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Photographer: Elisabeth_Holmpvist

Hornborg Fortress Ruin

All that actually remains of this fortress are low earth walls. Wilhelm Berg excavated it in about 1900, finding cannon and musket balls, spear and crossbow arrowheads and a fighting cudgel.

All that actually remains of this fortress are low earth walls. Wilhelm Berg excavated it in about 1900, finding cannon and musket balls, spear and crossbow arrowheads and a fighting cudgel. These dated the era of greatness for the fortress to ca. 1450-1530 and which ended completely when Bohuslän again became Swedish in 1658.
Hornborg commanded a strategic position, with channel below within the range of its archers, and was most likely a Viking fortification. It is mentioned as early as 1137 in the 'Saga of the Sons of Harald'. No Viking remains were found, which is not unusual. What is typical is the freshwater pool that exists within the area.
The Hornborg Ting or Court was held here until it was moved to Wrem. The Ting tradition has recently been revived in the form of theatre and a market.

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