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Photographer: Tove Bengtsson


Ejgdetjärnet is a popular destination with many animal- and nature experiences. Around the tarn, you can find a lovely walking trail with many great detours. Take a walk, enjoy the calmness, the forest, the water and all the amazing animals around the tarn!


The area around Ejdetjärnet is a popular tourist destination and since the wetland project was implemented, the number of visitors has increased. During cold winters you can use the frozen water for ice skating, and when the snow settles it is popular to get around with cross-country skiing.


Like so many other lakes and wetlands in Sweden’s agricultural districts, Ejgetjärnet was lowered and dewatered many times during the 19th and 20th centuries. When the area was drained, its character changed completely. The water mirror disappeared and the old wetland turned into fields and open grazing areas.


Wetlands works as a trap for nutrients, that would normally run into the ocean and cause eutrophication.

That’s why there has been a restoration project since 2006 with the purpose of re-creating the former wetland Ejgdetjärnet. The tarn has now got its water mirror back and some parts have also been dug deeper so that the water will stay longer. This means that more nutrients can be caught before the water runs further.


The restoration of the wetland has been beneficial to nesting and resting species of birds such as dabbling ducks, wading birds and geese. Up until 2012, there have been 149 species of birds observed by Ejgetjärnet. The areas variation of flat beaches and shallow parts are great environments for dabbling ducks and wading birds who are looking for food. Some species are completely dependent on the wetland environment for their existence. Some of these are little grebe, shoveler, gadwall and western marsh harrier.

Up until the 90s, the fields around the tarn would be used for farming. Since a few years back, the area is once again used as grazing lands for cattle. The grazing animals makes sure that the beaches don’t overgrow. If you are interested in birds, you might be lucky and get a glimpse of different kinds of woodpeckers.


Drive road 163, between Grebbestad and Fjällbacka, towards Kämpersvik. When you reach Kämpersvik by the water you continue on the road northwest for about 500 m where you will find parking.

Contact information

Tanum Turist

45772 Grebbestad

Phone: +46 525 61188

E-mail: info@tanumturist.se

Website: bohuslan.com/tanum