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Gravel cycling in West Sweden

Photographer: Farawayistan

Guided tour in Håverud

155 years in 45 minutes. Book a guided tour in Nils Ericson's footsteps over the unique aqueduct and along the lock stairs. The height difference is ten meters and the story spans through hundreds of years.

Book a guided tour

The aqueduct and lock stairs in Håverud are exciting to visit, and it becomes even more exciting with the story of how the canal was built by Nils Ericson and why there is a world-famous aqueduct, composed of 33,000 rivets, right here.

The guided tour takes about 1 – 1.5 hours

Send a request for a guiding tour via email and indicate the day and time you want to book, and we will put you in touch with a knowledgeable guide.



You will be guided by one of our authorized tour guides from Dalslands Guider, who will share the story of the Dalsland canal creators and why there is a world-famous aqueduct in Håverud.


Read more about the Dalsland canal

Welcome to a 260 km lakesystem where 17 lockstations conect lake after lake and form the Dalsland canal. Explore the canal by pleasure boat, canoe, tour boat or from land.