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Photographer: Eva Erlandsson, Antiksafari

Inger & Åkes

Containing a great deal

At Inger & Åke’s Loppis you can find most things you need for a home. If you are looking for glas - this is a great place to check.

Inger & Åke´s loppis has a wide selection

In central Brålanda in a shop you will find lots of shelves full of secondhand items. You will find most things for a home as glass, porslin and other items for the kitchen, lamps, wall hangings, records, watches and textiles. There is also a wide varity of craft material.

Open Saturdays 10 am -4 pm or as agreed.

Contact information

Inger & Åkes

Storgatan 34

46261 Brålanda

Phone: +46 070 335 802 88

E-mail: akeykarlsson@gmail.com