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Photographer: Lena Lindberg Wong, Dalslands Turist AB


Mellerud is at the southern part of the landscape Dalsland on the western part of Vänern. Here is the small scale of expansionary business! We have a rich outdoor life with Kroppefjäll in the west and the inner sea of Lake Vänern in the east. Sports fishing, hiking, boating and camping are just a few examples of what you can find in our municipality.


If you want to know more about Mellerud and what's on offer you can go to www.dalsland.com/mellerud to find everything you need!

For personal contact, contact Mellerud Tourist Office, which is open all year in central Mellerud, or summer time to Håverud's Tourist Office in Dalsland Center.
For more information about Mellerud - please visit www.mellerud.se!

