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Photographer: Sebastian Lamotte

Vårviks Gård

Farm that welcomes young and old that are interested in animals and nature

Welcome to Vårviks Gård or Vårvik Farm - a farm close to central Trollhättan that takes care of endagered Swedish native breeds of cows, horses, sheep, goats and more. The farm also works to strengthen biodiversity and has a herb garden. Vårviks Gård is a must for anyone interested in animals and nature, a place to play, learn and explore - together.

The animals at Vårviks Gård

Say hello to the cows Julia and Turild, the pigs Sofia, Anna-Karin and Britta, horses Molly and Tvåan. Here you can also meet sheep, goats, ducks, geese, rabbits, chickens and cats. Together with bumblebees, bees, spiders and worms that also do a vital job for nature. 

The animals at Vårviks Gård live their lives here and grow old here, there is no meat production at the farm. 

Cultivation at Vårviks Gård

The farm protects biological diversity for a sustainable future. It gives us food, medicine, clean air and water and is important for the balance of nature. Losses of species can negativly affect the entire ecosystem. At Vårviks Gård, organic farming is carried out with a focus on preserving and benefiting biological diversity. 

Open all year round

Vårviks Gård is open to visitors every day for the whole year if you want to explore the farm on your own. During summer between end of June to middle of August you can meet staff from Innovatum Science Center that arranges fun activities for children visiting the farm. There is also a small kiosk open at the farm at the same time. 

Getting here

Vårviks Gård is close to central Trollhättan, located along the Vänersborgsvägen road going between Trollhättan and Överby Shopping Center. Find it on Google Maps.


Visitor parking available on Vårviksvägen road, directly across the street from Vårviks Gård next to the skate park and the petrol station. 

There is also a smaller car park inside the farm but it is primarily for guests that have trouble walking. You can reach that car park by going along Södra Karlsbergsvägen road from Vänersborgsvägen.



Contact information

Vårviks Gård

Vårviks Gård 1

461 59 Trollhättan

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