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Historic mill

In 1980, Håcksvik’s heritage society were gifted a sawmill with a workshop and an associated water wheel, by Nilssons industriemballage AB. The mill was in ill repair and work to restore the facility began.

A place filled with history and dedication

The Mårtensson brothers made furniture at Kvarnagården from the late 1800s into the early 1900s. Ever since the takeover in 1980, a number of enthusiasts have been involved in keeping the sawmill alive. As a result, there is still an opportunity to experience a vibrant and historic industrial environment. Certain times of year, you can even hear the blacksmith’s hammer blows and smell the coal...

Opening times

The sawmill and workshop are open to visitors all year round. However, on some summer days, the local heritage association takes over and starts up the machinery, while guides demonstrate what the business used to look like in years gone by. Dates and times can be found on the local heritage association website. 

Contact information

Håcksviks hembygdsförening


Phone: +46 325 520 30

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