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Trestads Hiking Association

Join us for a hike with others

Trestads Vandrarförening (hiking association) was founded in 1986 and currently has around 100 members. The association organizes both longer and shorter hikes throughout the year in a friendly and comradely atmosphere, where you can walk at your own pace.


Throughout the year, the association organizes several popular hikes. Join us for a three-day adventure on Älgklivet with various distances or hike 15 km along the Pilgrimsleden trail. You can also participate in hikes such as Fridavandring, Christmas and autumn hikes, and more. Distances vary from 5 km to 10 km or 25 km. You can find information about upcoming hikes on the association's website (swe).

Hike in Vänerstad

When you visit Vänersborg, take the opportunity to have a combined cultural and nature experience by hiking a 10 km-long year-round trail. The hike takes you along the shores of Lake Vänern, allowing you to discover Vänersborg's cultural axis and enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings right by the waters of the Göta River. You can learn more about the hike and download a map here

Contact information

Trestads Vandrarförening

Skansgatan 12

462 31 Vänersborg

Phone: +46 0706 76 64 81

E-mail: c.blomqvist@spray.se

Website: 3stad.webnode.se/