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Photographer: PATRIC PERSSON

Stora Hotellet

Boutique hotel with long history

Stora Hotellet is a boutique hotel located in the picturesque fishing village of Fjällbacka. It has a wonderful setting close to the sea.

Hotel dating back to the 1830s

Stora Hotellet in Fjällbacka has attracted guests from near and far since 1834 – and it is not difficult to understand why. The comfortable rooms are so inviting with their soft colours and furniture; the service is friendly and the food is delicious – and the location on the sea front is absolutely spectacular.

The restaurant is part of the network A taste of West Sweden. The network gathers restaurants and cafes that, in close collaboration with local producers, offer West Swedish culinary experiences based on seasonal and local ingredients.
Stora Hotellet is a dog-friendly accommodation - see the website for more info.

Fun fact: The hotel has been owned by a number of sea captains over the years, including the period around the 1900s.

Several experience packages available

If you’re feeling active during your stay here there are several popular package deals offered, including:

  • Oyster safari – Take a boat out to the mussel and oyster beds where you can take part in gathering these delicacies from the sea. Back at the hotel, the dinner has a seafood theme.
  • Lobster fishing – One of the highlights in the autumn is when the lobster fishing starts. Take the opportunity to go out to sea with some local fishermen and listen to their stories while you haul up the lobster. The catch is then boiled and enjoyed as part of a four-course dinner at the hotel.
  • Golf package – For those who appreciate playing golf in beautiful coastal scenery, we cooperate with several nearby golf courses.


Lots to do in Fjällbacka

There is a lot to discover in Fjällbacka and the surroundings. Don’t miss the "Gap of Hell" from the film Ronja the Robber's Daughter, go out on one of the exciting sea trips, go fishing or play golf. Guided tours of murder and mysteries are regularly arranged, and you can visit the locations described in the famous crime novels about murders in Fjällbacka, written by Camilla Läckberg.

Photographer: Roger Borgelid


Contact information

Stora Hotellet

Galärbacken 2

457 40 Fjällbacka

Phone: +46 525 315 00

E-mail: info@shfjallbacka.se

Website: shfjallbacka.se/